Children born between 1st July 2020 and 30th June 2021 are eligible to be enrolled in Kindergarten in 2025. When enrolling, the child’s birth certificate and immunisation records are required.
For students of all year groups from K to 6, please see the Enrolment pack link below for advice on documentation required and forms to be completed upon the enrolment of a new student.
Enrolment is not complete until the birth certificate has been sighted.
Code of conduct
The school community has agreed that students must:
- Obtain leave notes from the office to leave school grounds during the day (new attendance initiatives in Albany has led to businesses not serving unaccompanied school age children during school hours).
- Consider the safety of self and others at all times.
- Follow directions from staff and demonstrate respect and courtesy at all times.
- Respect school property.
- The school uniform is to be worn.
- For safety, bicycles are not to be ridden on school grounds.
A copy of the Managing Student Behaviour Policy is available at the office.
Complaints management
The school has complaint management procedures in place. If you have any issue that is causing you concern, please contact your teacher or the Principal to discuss the issue. A copy of the procedures is available from the office.
Custody advice
Custody and guardianship matters need to be recorded on the enrolment card. In cases where custody advice is noted, the Family Court Order regarding custody and guardianship rights must be photocopied and placed in the student’s file. Confidentiality is respected. Please keep the office informed of any changes to court orders.
It is important that the school is kept informed of any changes to information originally provided on the Enrolment Card.
Emergency contact
In the event of a child becoming ill or being injured at school the emergency contact name and phone number as entered on the enrolment card will be used – if the parent/carer/guardian cannot be contacted.
It is very important that the school be advised if any of these details are changed.
Please ensure that the following details are kept up to date on your child’s Admission card.
- Your own address and phone number
- The name, address and telephone number of a contact person in case you are unavailable.
- The name, address and telephone number of your doctor.
- Any allergies such as bee stings, which affect your child, and any medication required.
- Emergency care plan for students with known medical conditions that require interventions.
Internet usage
The school computers are linked to the internet. In line with current school policy, it is a requirement that any child who accesses the Internet in the school must have written permission from their parents. This permission is in the form of a User Authorisation Policy. Copies of this policy are kept at the school and are available on request when enrolling your child in the school.
Lost property
Any items of clothing found at school will be held at school to be claimed. Clearly named items are easily returned.