In the interest of your child’s dental and physical health, no lollies, sweet biscuits or chocolate are allowed at Kindergarten. Children will share a healthy snack at fruit time – this is an important part of our social development teaching. Acceptable foods to send with your child for shared fruit time are:
- Fruit – apples, oranges, bananas, pears, watermelon, etc.
- Dried fruit
- Vegetables/Salads – carrot, celery, tomato, cucumber
- Hard boiled eggs, cold meats – eg polony
- Cheese, savoury biscuits but not sweet biscuits.
A drink of water will follow fruit. When packing lunch please ensure food is prepared and packed in a manner that is easy for your child to access. We have a water fountain, but when packing their drink we strongly recommend water. Please notify staff if there is any food your child is allergic to or is not to eat, as we do cooking activities occasionally.
Pack a healthy snack for recess (Please don’t give your child a large range of snacks as a kindergarten student doesn’t understand they do not have to eat everything mum or dad packs. Recommended snacks are fruit, vegetables, yoghurt, cheese etc).
Birthday cakes
The Bremer Bay Primary School Council decided to stop birthday cakes being brought to school for sharing with class mates. This decision was made due to:
- The school Crunch and Sip policy.
- The state government promotions of healthy living through diet, exercise etc.
- The Department of Education Healthy Food Choices Policy.
- The risk of food allergies with some students.
- Competitiveness developing between families.
- The financial pressure on all families to provide cake for all students.