
Although Kindergarten is not compulsory it is expected that if a parent has elected to enrol their child, that they ensure the child attends regularly. It is important that children attend regularly for their social and emotional development.

A brief verbal explanation or note addressed to the Class Teacher to explain absences would be appreciated. Days missed may disrupt ongoing activities and hinder closure for the week and there is no doubt that regular attendance in the non-compulsory years results in greater academic and social outcomes during formal schooling. Attendance for all students is carefully monitored by the school administration and Department of Education.

SMS MsgU system

Bremer Bay Primary School has adopted the MsgU system which alerts parents/carers when their child is absent from school.

Rather than write a letter you can respond to the text message which we can record on our school role. Please do not use this service to inform the school of messages to pass on to your child as there is a large risk the message will not be seen in time. If you wish to pass on a message please ring the front office on 9837 1200.